Author: BellaDonna
Story Title: Nordic ancestry
Gen or Slash: gen
Rating: PG
Complete or WIP: complete
Category: drabble
Disclaimer: The characters don't belong to me, I'm just using them to create a story for fun. No copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: challenge response for me_and_thee_100 #41 'Abigail Crabtree'
Summary: Not sure what this whole fasting and health shakes should bring... Abby POV

Nordic Ancestry
by Belladonna

I'm not sure what this whole thing with the health shakes, which are disgusting if you ask me, and the fasting should bring. Other than being alternately sick or hungry. Or both.

It seems to do something for him, I guess. He'll never know that I've cheated a bit by having a nice sandwich and fries when he wasn't there.

But the sex is fantastic. We're probably so insatiable because we haven't eaten anything. Who knows?

People always joke about his nordic ancestry, and what do you know?
All of this proves he really is a viking in the sack.