Author: BellaDonna
Story Title: Rain
Gen or Slash: gen
Rating: G
Complete or WIP: complete
Category: drabble
Disclaimer: The characters don't belong to me, I'm just using them to create a story for fun. No copyright infringement is intended.
Notes: challenge response for me_and_thee_100 #8 'rain'
Summary: I have too many bad memories associated with it to like it anymore... Starsky POV

by Belladonna


I have too many bad memories associated with it to like it anymore.

Ma always said that when it rains on a funeral, it means that the person to be buried hadn't wanted to die yet, that it hadn't been their time and that this was them crying.

It rained on the day of my Father's funeral.

It rained constantly in 'Nam.

Whenever Hutch went missing it never rained. I don't know what scared me more each time.
His being gone or the lack of rain.

Sometimes I wonder if it'll rain on my funeral when that day comes.